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Friday, July 29, 2011

micromax q7

Micromax Q7
Hello Friends, I am commerce my Phone with usb,herephone and charger.This Phone is perfect state with in 1stDay also this Phone use 2 months statesman.

Micromax Mobile Price List in India
Micromax x500 preloaded with Opera min browser and fine connectivity features. The price of Micromax x500 comes around Rs.5, 700 only. Whereas, Micromax Q7 is the dual sim member of its popular EZPAD series that has been ...

Faulty Micromax Q7 Handset
COMPLAINT::- I have complained (ref#0806110044) around 7 times to support team of Micromax about the harassment i am facing due to the worst service i.

Nokia C3 or Micromax Q7 Plz he This is the questi
Nokia C3 or Micromax Q7 Plz help….!!!! Which one do u think is the best mobile in between nokia c3 and micromax q7??????Plz help me….Im totally confused……….Plz support ur answer if u able!!!plz plz plz..do reply…

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