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Friday, July 29, 2011


Review: The Roku 2 XS Does Internet Media Streaming, Motion Gaming ...
There are three new models within the Roku 2 lineup with the most expensive being the $100 XS model. This option nets buyers the Wii-like gaming controller that doubles as a system remote. The top-tier XS model also ...

Sublime Blog » Sublime Text 2 Build 2091
Sublime Text 2 Build 2091 is available now, with a raft of new features. Many thanks to everyone who has tested the dev builds during this time. Firstly, text rendering quality has been improved on OS X and Linux. ...

Portabliss: Continuity 2 (iOS) | Joystiq
Continuity 2: The Continuation stacks so many other components on top of the already-confusing formula that even its most cerebral players will likely suffer a meltdown during one of its 50 levels. ...

Motorola: We'll Have Another LTE Phone and 2 New LTE Tablets by ...
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